Residential Window Cleaning
Our minimum rate for exterior window cleaning starts at $150, which includes the thorough cleaning of all exterior windows.
This rate covers the removal of paint, hard water build-up, sticky residue, dust, and mud, ensuring a spotless and gleaming window surface.
Window screens are cleaned at no additional cost, providing you with a complete and comprehensive service.
Interior Cleaning:
The cost for interior window cleaning is set at half the going rate for the exterior. This allows you to maintain a perfectly clean and well-maintained view from inside your property.
French doors/windows and cut-out windows are priced at the exterior rate due to their unique characteristics and additional care requirements.
Variable Pricing:
The total cost of our services may vary based on factors such as the number of windows, size of windows, height of the windows, and the condition they're in. We offer fair and transparent pricing to ensure you receive tailored and value-driven solutions.
Additional Services (Available at Extra Cost):
Cleaning Window Tracks and Seals: We can professionally clean your window tracks and seals, ensuring optimal functionality and maintaining the overall cleanliness of your windows.
Cleaning Window Frames: Our team can also clean your window frames, elevating the visual appeal of your windows and enhancing their longevity.
Door Screens: If you have door screens that require cleaning, we offer this service upon request, providing a comprehensive solution for your property.
Please note that these additional services are available at an extra cost and can be customized based on your specific needs.
We are dedicated to delivering exceptional customer satisfaction, providing you with top-notch window cleaning services tailored to your requirements. Reach out to us today to schedule an appointment, and let us deliver a pristine and professional window cleaning experience for your home or business.